Reorder Exhibits
You can change the order your 'Exhibits' appear within your 'Exhibition'. If there is a common physical route through your exhibition get your exhibits in that order, then as visitors go round the exhibition they can simply click 'Next' or 'Previous' rather than having to scan every QR Code.
After logging into your 'Control Panel' click on the relevant 'Project', from the list of 'Exhibits' click the small blue button top right of the 'Exhibit' you want to move from it's current position. If you do not see this button make sure you are not in 'Preview' mode (see Preview / Edit modes).
This opens a dropdown menu where you have a number of options:
'Move up' available for all exhibits apart from the first one in the list, obviously this one cannot be moved up!
'Move down' available for all exhibits apart from the last one in the list, obviously this one cannot be moved down any further!
'Move to position' select the position you would like to move this 'Exhibit' to, useful if you have a lot of exhibits!